

SKUNKED, Book 14, Adventures of the Courtly Cottontails by Lisa Loucks-Christenson

Publisher: Lisa Loucks-Christenson Publishing, LLC


Book 14

Illustration: 22

Date: 9/24/2021

© 2021 Lisa Loucks-Christenson

Medium: Pencil

Caption: "My current job . . . stinks!"


This cartoon is syndicated and available for licensing, daily, monthly, or by the book, dripped daily. Over 600 cartoons are in the current collection that make up 14 books, and a new cartoon is created daily










and more. 



Loose art, signed comic panels, and Lisa's illustrations are sold through Peacock Books, Silver Lake Books, and Old County Cross Christian Books

Hallowink Hollow™

 Courtly Cottontails™Lisa Loucks-Christenson with her 2021 Hallowink drawing
Lisa Loucks-Christenson holding the completed cover to her, Escape from the Haunted Carnival, #5, Hallowink Hollow Series


Lisa Loucks-Christenson's Comics & Graphic Novels


Lisa's Amazon Author Central Page (Lisa sells her e-books, usually, exclusively through Amazon, until pirates come along and steal them)

The following comics are syndicated through our network, other publishers, and available for licensing. Contact Lisa: (800) 928-2372, leave message or use the contact form.


Hallowink Hollow™ Series   Legal copy of Hallowink Hollow™ series on Amazon

Adventures of the  Courtly Cottontails™ Series | Written & Illustrated by Lisa Loucks-Christenson

Critters of the River Brigade | Written & Illustrated by Lisa Loucks-Christenson

Nitoti™  | Written & Illustrated by Lisa Loucks-Christenson 

Redneck Woods™ "Keeping Then Local"™ | Written & Illustrated by Lisa Loucks-Christenson

Lady of Whitewater™ | Written & Illustrated by Lisa Loucks-Christenson

Annie Dani Dale™ | Written & Illustrated by Lisa Loucks-Christenson

Dancer & Daedee: The Sky Angels™ | Written & Illustrated by Lisa Loucks-Christenson

Toads of Telemark™ (Christian series) | Written & Illustrated by Lisa Loucks-Christenson

Even stolen, as shown above, Lisa Loucks-Christenson's Hallowink Hollow™ series has a rating of 4.6/5 from the 1184 stolen copies that people downloaded for this torrent site selling their services. Their service deprives both the publisher and author of all of their income and royalties for their work. I can't speak for their other books, whether they are legal or not. Our copy is NOT legal, nor any of the formats, including the PDF and Mobi files they are offering as part of their service, formats that we have not released to the public at all. I had this book set up for exclusive publishing through Amazon for their KDP, and it's a former best-selling title. Now, this company selling the illegal downloads has destroyed and caused financial losses--permanently to selling the title, the illustrations exclusively.  They were served with a DMCA take down notice. Please keep reporting piracy.

Lisa Loucks Christenson
PO Box 9177
Rochester, MN 55903
This book was stolen, not licensed or sold: LINK TO THE STOLEN EBOOK 








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Lisa Loucks-Christenson