Connecting the Stars, Book 16, Adventures of the Courtly Cottontails by Creator Lisa Loucks Christenson

Courtly Cottontails in Connecting the Stars, Book 16, by Creator Lisa Loucks-Christenson

#16-02 by Lisa Loucks-Christenson

Book of comics, 32 illustrations

Book 16 of the Adventures of the Courtly Cottontails:

The Courtly Cottontails must become detectives on this hare-raising adventure while protecting their friend and connecting the stars to find her stalker running wild and free in the night skies.

Courtly Cottontial

License individual comics, daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, annually, or the entire book.

Licensing: (800) 928-2372 

Creator: Lisa Loucks-Christenson



Lisa Loucks-Christenson's Books