The Tremble Creek Tornado Ties for 4th Place in Winter 2021 Clean Best Cover Art Contest

The Tremble Creek Tornado Ties for 4th Place in Winter 2021 Clean Best Cover Art Contest

The Tremble Creek Tornado

Lisa Loucks-Christenson's The Tremble Creek Tornado cover she illustrated digitally, tied for 4th Place in the Winter 2021 Clean Fiction Magazine. 

This is Book 2 in the best-selling series, Wolves of Whitewater Falls™, a supernatural Christian suspense series set in a real southeastern Minnesota ghost town. 

 Lisa said, "The tornado took four or more hours to get the lighting how I wanted it, and I created at least a half dozen versions of the cover with White Wolf's face higher or lower. I finally decided on this version of my covers because it shows part of the river in the story."

The wolf on the cover, "White Wolf" is one of the lead characters in the YA Christian series. All elements: the wolf, bluffs, farm house, river, tornado, smoke and dust, lighting were digitally hand drawn by Lisa. 

 Lisa has created all of the covers in the series, digital illustrations that she's changed and tweaked over the years. 

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Lisa Loucks-Christenson